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Стипендии DAAD

Стипендии и конкурсы от Германского дома науки на 2018:

Стипендия для молодых журналистов из России – Теперь с интенсивным курсом немецкого языка! 

Уважаемые дамы и господа! 
начинается конкурс Германо-Российского Форума на участие в стипендиальной программе «Стажировка для журналистов ПЛЮС 2018». Известние издания в Германии как DER SPIEGEL, Deutsche Welle и Der Tagesspiegel ждут студентов из России. Заявления на участие принимаются до 28 февраля 2018 г.
Подробнее о конкурсе

Study in English - Live in Germany 

International MSc and MBA Programs 
at Offenburg University (Germany) 

MSc in Communication and Media Engineering 
MSc in Energy Conversion and Management 
MSc in Process Engineering 
MSc in Power and Data Engineering 
MBA in International Business Consulting 

Offenburg - the place to realize your ambitions for the future.
About Program

RWTH Business School Aachen – RWTH Aachen University 

Enterprises tackling the challenges of tomorrow need to develop new data-driven strategies and algorithms and analytical thinking will be at the core of digital value creation. Our Msc. in Data & Decision Science takes you right up to the cutting-edge of machine learning, artificial intelligence and exact and heuristic optimization to create value from data in many application areas such as Industry or Retail.
About Program

RWTH Business School Aachen – RWTH Aachen University 

Designed for professionals with a STEM Background, the MME-TIME provides you with the skills and tools needed to succeed in the digitized economy. The program is delivered in partnership with Cambridge Digital Innovation at Hughes Hall, University of Cambridge and can be studied on-campus or completely online. The program is fully customizable as it can be studied 3 semesters (full-time) or six semesters (part-time).
About Program